Friday, July 16, 2010

More Sweden Photos

Maybe I'll get this blog done before they get back to the states....well, maybe! These first two photos are typical Swedish beach photos, on their way to enjoy one of them.

There was a beach two blocks from Mia and Chips house. They visited the beach the second day of their trip (yep that was back in the middle of June. Told you I might not get this done before they return!)

I wish I was there to have some fun splash time with you Colby!

Alanna and Finnley hamming it up! Looks like they had a great time!!

A Swedish castle that Rob estimated to date to the 1600's.

A nice family photo opportunity, except Colby was sleeping in the car with Chip watching him...or maybe taking a nap too.

This sign cracks me up because all I know about it is how to pronounce it: All-s Stan-a. So, I looked it up and this is where the Swedish version of Stone Henge is. Here's a nice link about it if you'd like to learn more:

Some of the 59 large boulders.

Alanna and Finnley believed they could move the stones. If it's possible, Alanna would be the one who would be able to move it.

Mia, Chip and Finnley smiling for the camera.

So far, this is my favorite photo as I can see all four of their personalities so well in it. Rob notes how the kids both have their own idea of what a photo should show. I see Alanna having so much fun and living life to the fullest, Rob holding both kids, Colby getting annoyed by his hat, (saw that pose close to a million times by him this last winter) and Eustacia with her happy smile. I can hear her laugh....and if asked, sharing how cold she is =)

Looks like they are all tuckered out...well, almost everyone. Takes a lot more then that to tucker out Alanna!!!

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